Photos of Brirdwatching in Lesvos
- Stelzenlaeufer Paarung
- Sichler abfliegend
- black winged stilt
- Demoiselle Crame
- Greater Flamingos
- Weissbartseeschwalbe fliegend
- Wood Sandpiper
- Zwergdommel Weibchen
- Common Kingfisher
- Kleines Sumpfhuhn
- Sichler fliegend
- Sichelstrandläufer Brutkleid
- Gull billed tern (lachseeschwalbe)
- Zwergdommel_Weibchen
- Little ringed plover – Charadrius dubius
- Flussuferlaeufer
- Cretzschmar bunting – fruganotsixlono
- Squacco heron rallenreiher
- spotted crake
- Little Egrets
- Stelzenlaeufer
- Duc scops
- Stelzenlaeufer
- Kappenammer
- Schwarzstorch Gruppe
- Black Stork – Cicinia nigra
- Little rihged plover – Charadrius dubius
- Little tern (zwergseeschwalbe)
- Little bittern – Ixobrychus minutus
- Common Moorhen
- Cinereous bunting
- Squacco Herons
- black winged stilt
- Schwarzstorch
- Zwergdommel – Weibchen
Vote awesome photos of birdwatching in Lesvos island.
This photos has been taken from birdwatchers who have visited lesvos island. Vote the photos you like most and the winner will get six days free stay in our hotel at Skala Kalloni – Lesvos.
Everybody can vote! You can vote one time per photo. For mobiles there is a mobile voting version below. The photo which has more votes/likes both of the two voting versions will win. The photos appeared randomly and the details (name, country, etc) will be appeared after the end of the contest.
photos of birdwatching in Lesvos
photos of birdwatching in Lesvos
Mobile version for voting photos of birdwatching in Lesvos island.